Welcome to Wesley Synod International Missions in Canterbury, Africa, registered with the Federal Government of Nigeria with registration number CAC/IT N0: 83969. It is more than just a church. It is a vision of actualizing the main work of the church as written in Matthew 25 vs 31-46. For we shall not be admitted into God’s glorious kingdom by the number of churches we have, nor by the number of members we possess.
The vision came into Esit Eket Local Government Council through Sir Anthony Cowles, the Archbishop of the Wesley Synod Worldwide, a 73-year-old Briton of blessed memory. He was received by Esit Eket Council of Ministers, made up of 148 churches of different names, led by an able leadership of Rev. Emem Jacob, presently the General Overseer of Christian Fellowship in Nigeria, and his able executive members, Apostle Dr. Abasiofo InyaAbia, Rev. Emmanuel Bassey, Rev. Tito, among others. Rt. Hon Imo-Udobia and Dr. Victor Ikot were present as the Secretary of the Council on November 8, 2004, when Archbishop Dr. Sir Anthony Cowles arrived from Canterbury. In a solemn assembly, organized by Esit-Eket Council of Ministers.
Rev. Paul Hanson Ebong from Iwuo-achang Town in Ibeno L.G.A won an openly conducted election with a margin of 140 votes to 8 against his opponent and was consecrated as Bishop of Akwa Ibom State. Later, he was elevated to become the Presiding Archbishop for Nigeria and, in 2012, he became the Archbishop of West Africa. Presently, he is the Archbishop and registered Primate for Africa, and charted by SS Peter and Paul Lutheran Churches of France, headed by Monsignor Frederick Burckle. Every vision from God must face opposition and must not lack provision. From 2004 till date, we are still here and must do everything to be legalized in many countries that we enter.
Presently, Archbishop Prof. Sir Paul Hanson Ebong is a sworn in member of the advisory council on Religious Affairs by His Excellency Pastor Umo Bassey Eno, The Executive Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.
The leader of the church wanted a group of Christians to help poor people in Nigeria and Africa. This idea has been around for more than 200 years, starting with John Wesley. We will continue to do this work until Jesus-Christ comes back.
The leader of the church wanted a group of Christians to help poor people in Nigeria and Africa. This idea has been around for more than 200 years, starting with John Wesley. We will continue to do this work until Jesus-Christ comes back.
All certified members of Wesley synod are hereby to read the Wesley Synod structure which has been in existence 2000 years ago.
The Structure is available & can be downloaded to PC and smartphones by clicking Download Synod Structure above or click here.

Courtesy Visit
Dr. Uma Ukpai at 80years
Thanks Giving Service with His Royal Majestyof Ibeno Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.
Burial of the mother of His Royal Majesty.
Appointment, Grand Patron With Nigerian Coast Guard
The Nigerian Coast Guard Thanksgiving
Presentation of Int’l charter and Ordination License to Evangelist Mrs. Enobong Ibok
Presentation of Archbishopric certificate to His Grace Most Rev. Prof. Iyke Nathan Uzorma
ACCOUNT NO: 2003680724.
BANK NAME: First bank.
ACCOUNT NAME: Faith and works Del. Min. Inc
BANK NAME: First bank.
ACCOUNT NAME: Paul Hanson Ebong.